Laying down the bed, with 2 pillows below my shoulder blades. For some reason, it was quite relaxing, or amusing, because almost 25 minutes have passed and I didn't even notice it. Also that, and that my elbows didn't hurt as it normally does if I palm when I lie down.
So what I did during palming was chant "Why are my eyes so relaxed, and my vision so clear?" a couple of times. Each chant, I feel tension being relieved in small doses.Practice 1
So after that, I imagined the letter E again. Imagining it in the deepest black I am currently capable of, in a background color of standard granulated bg if you close your eyes, to the whitest background I am capable of. I just noticed that it is easier to imagine deep color if you contrast it, such as black letter on a white bg.
Practice 2
After that, I imagined the whitest possible bg, almost as if I am blinded by the light. My eyes were straining a little bit, too. When it toned down, I did imagine a deep black dot in the middle. Underneath the dot, I imagined a slightly bigger ball of blackness that rolls from right to left repeatedly. Something similar to the left.Practice 3
Also, sometime in my imagination, I did imagine an ink container with the deepest black I can remember and a brush, as if to paint something.
I dip the brush in the container, and start dawdling on the paper. It doesn't matter what you are painting, what matters is that you can see the paintbrush moving with a deep black brush.
I did some swinging while biking. Swinging is a natural habit of a normally working eye, so make sure you do this stuff until it becomes a habit.Fine Print
After bathing, I read fine print from Western Union's terms or service paper. I'm still thinking that I need more tiny print, as this one is still too big.
On fine print reading, I practiced just looking at the white space under the letters of the whole tos thing. 'Twas hard. I end up unconsciously looking up at the letters as I scan over the whole page of fine print.
The normal eye does not try to 'look'. It just is. Trying causes strain, strain causes impaired vision. Therefore, if you can just remove straining as a habit, your eyes relax and normal eye functions return.
After fine print reading, I did go to our rooftop to sungaze. I sat on a chair, and while my eyes were closed, faced the sun. It feels warm, and relaxing.Whenever the sun is covered with clouds, I palmed. And whenever I notice it was getting brighter, I stopped palming. It was a windy day. I could bathe in the sun without burning.