Monday, September 24, 2012

Day 30 of The Bates Method Case Study

I haven't logged my progress here on this website, but I have it on my notebook, I will do it little by little, sorry for the inconvenience. Now moving on.

It is day 30. Wow, I didn't know I could make this into a habit. This accountability thing is really working. If you practice the method, it's a must that you log your efforts daily and input it on a blog like this or on your notebook.

So far, this are the benefits I have attained ever since I started this Natural Vision Improvement thing.

  1. Zero dependence on glasses while not doing pc work or any long distance reading. I have adjusted to the non-perfect vision all the time. Back then, I used my eyeglasses even while in the bathroom. 
  2. Playing sports without too much loss of skill. Back then, my play turns to mush if I don't use my glasses. The result of that is two broken and scratched glasses.
  3. My eyes adapt to darkness easily and faster than before. Not sure if this is real or imagined, but I have only noticed this now.
  4. If I look down on a concrete floor or grass, I can almost see it perfectly. Compared to before when the only thing I see is  blurred concrete. Weird though, that I can see the floor almost perfectly, but no perceived improvement when looking in front of me.
  5. Better photographic memory and better memory in general. I am now able to imagine something for more than ten or 15 seconds if I try to. You get this if you practice palming and Snellen Card work.
  6. Almost able to play/watch an 11 minute episode of adventure time in my mind while relaxing earlier. I'm gonna delve deeper into this play an episode thing more. Will do this while palming.
That's my perceived benefits so far on my first month of consistent Bates Method work. This thing is working.

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