Monday, October 29, 2012

Day 65 Oct 29: Bates Method - Moon Shifting

In the morning I palmed like usual while chanting my afformations.

Weird moon phenomenon, you are about to read.
 At night, the moon was especially round and bright, so I took the liberty of doing some shifting.
Since I am astigmatic, what I saw was a multiple blurred moon. The multiple moons made the whole blurred image. I hope you can imagine this.

After a lot of minutes of my mind having wandering thoughts, I started to take deep and slow breaths, while I was slowly drowning thoughts with undivided attention on the task at hand.
The weird part happened while I was shifting on the multiple blurred moons. The night and the surroundings started to darken out, as if I had my eyes closed, except for the moon, which I was shifting at. It looked as if everything was black except for the moon.
Sometime near the end of the shifting session, I got a glimpse of the perfectly clear moon's bright light on a small part of a side of the moon, as if the real moon was covered by the blur. It happened twice, and that was encouraging.

I wrote this before the day is over, and therefore, everything else I do after this I will probably just update this post. But because it's night already, I can guess that I will do small doses of palming, or listening to a hypnosis session before sleeping.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Day 48 of The Bates Method

After waking up, I palmed while chanting my afformations, which took a lot of time, 15 minutes or more.

 Sometime after that, I did these in succession:
1. Reading fine primt while facing the sun.
2. Alternating between sungazing & palming
3. Shifting and switching.

Before sleeping, I listened to 3 hypnosis sessions, averaging 25 minutes each.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Day 30 of The Bates Method Case Study

I haven't logged my progress here on this website, but I have it on my notebook, I will do it little by little, sorry for the inconvenience. Now moving on.

It is day 30. Wow, I didn't know I could make this into a habit. This accountability thing is really working. If you practice the method, it's a must that you log your efforts daily and input it on a blog like this or on your notebook.

So far, this are the benefits I have attained ever since I started this Natural Vision Improvement thing.

  1. Zero dependence on glasses while not doing pc work or any long distance reading. I have adjusted to the non-perfect vision all the time. Back then, I used my eyeglasses even while in the bathroom. 
  2. Playing sports without too much loss of skill. Back then, my play turns to mush if I don't use my glasses. The result of that is two broken and scratched glasses.
  3. My eyes adapt to darkness easily and faster than before. Not sure if this is real or imagined, but I have only noticed this now.
  4. If I look down on a concrete floor or grass, I can almost see it perfectly. Compared to before when the only thing I see is  blurred concrete. Weird though, that I can see the floor almost perfectly, but no perceived improvement when looking in front of me.
  5. Better photographic memory and better memory in general. I am now able to imagine something for more than ten or 15 seconds if I try to. You get this if you practice palming and Snellen Card work.
  6. Almost able to play/watch an 11 minute episode of adventure time in my mind while relaxing earlier. I'm gonna delve deeper into this play an episode thing more. Will do this while palming.
That's my perceived benefits so far on my first month of consistent Bates Method work. This thing is working.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Day 3 of The Bates Method Case Study

First thing in the morning, I did palming.
Laying down the bed, with 2 pillows below my shoulder blades. For some reason, it was quite relaxing, or amusing, because almost 25 minutes have passed and I didn't even notice it. Also that, and that my elbows didn't hurt as it normally does if I palm when I lie down.


So what I did during palming was chant "Why are my eyes so relaxed, and my vision so clear?" a couple of times. Each chant, I feel tension being relieved in small doses.

Practice 1

So after that, I imagined the letter E again. Imagining it in the deepest black I am currently capable of, in a background color of standard granulated bg if you close your eyes, to the whitest background I am capable of. I just noticed that it is easier to imagine deep color if you contrast it, such as black letter on a white bg.

Practice 2

After that, I imagined the whitest possible bg, almost as if I am blinded by the light. My eyes were straining a little bit, too. When it toned down, I did imagine a deep black dot in the middle. Underneath the dot, I imagined a slightly bigger ball of blackness that rolls from right to left repeatedly. Something similar to the left.

Practice 3

Also,  sometime in my imagination, I did imagine an ink container with the deepest black I can remember and a brush, as if to paint something.
I dip the brush in the container, and start dawdling on the paper. It doesn't matter what you are painting, what matters is that you can see the paintbrush moving with a deep black brush.


I did some swinging while biking. Swinging is a natural habit of a normally working eye, so make sure you do this stuff until it becomes a habit.

Fine Print

After bathing, I read fine print from Western Union's terms or service paper. I'm still thinking that I need more tiny print, as this one is still too big.

On fine print reading, I practiced just looking at the white space under the letters of the whole tos thing. 'Twas hard. I end up unconsciously looking up at the letters as I scan over the whole page of fine print.

The normal eye does not try to 'look'. It just is. Trying causes strain, strain causes impaired vision. Therefore, if you can just remove straining as a habit, your eyes relax and normal eye functions return.


After fine print reading, I did go to our rooftop to sungaze. I sat on a chair, and while my eyes were closed, faced the sun. It feels warm, and relaxing.
Whenever the sun is covered with clouds, I palmed. And whenever I notice it was getting brighter, I stopped palming. It was a windy day. I could bathe in the sun without burning.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Day 2 of the Bates Method

The first thing I did was read a chapter from the Visions Of Joy book that I printed sometime last 2011. An amazing thing happened. As I was reading the first paragraph, somehow the text that was supposed to be black turned deep blood red. Kind of like what you would see if you palm and study the image formed after sungazing for a while.
That is simply amazing, I think my visual center is starting to be engaged again.

After that, what I did was:

  • Shifting. From a near Snellen Card and a farther one. Result: Not very significant yet, but the far one's letters do start to get more defined/clear.
  • Flashing. with the near snellen card. Look at the letter for a few moments, then close the eyes, imagining the letter, tracing it in my mind and trying to visualize it as black as possible with my eyes closed. Result: If you close and open your eyes quickly(slower than blinking), you will notice tension in your eyes/eyelids, and you can relieve that easily.
  • Palming. I was supposed to do some sungazing, because that was what I was reading about, but my stomach had to hurt. So I just palmed in the bathroom while taking a dump. Yeah
That's it. I'm only doing minimal work for now, just so I get into the habit of doing the things required.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Day 1

I should have written here for more than four days ago, but because of procrastination & limited pc time, I didn't.
So what I did today was palm, sitting on the side of the bed. Elbows on my knees and palms crossed, covering my eyes.

So what I did imagine was a large E(like the one on the snellen chart) with a small, fine print E on the right of the large E. I looked at the large E at first, then the small one. Repeated for a few times. Large E, small E. Left, right. Left, right.
You will feel relaxation, I promise.

I didn't do this for a really long tim, mind you.
I do it for too long and my eyes will start to strain.